
GitHub Profile

Neuroimage Processing System

Initial source code and documentation for the Neuroimage Processing System have been uploaded to GitHub and are available in the neuro/nps repository. The posters presented at the 2017 annual OHBM meeting in Vancouver are also available for download below.

Cortex parcellation associated whole white matter parcellation

Repository with source code and installation/execution instructions is available at neuro/wmparc. A pre-build docker container that can execute the software on a dataset from the freely available WU-Minn Human Connectome Project (HCP) collective can be found at patsch1/docker-wmparc. The datasets can be downloaded from ConnectomeDB.

Lightness Corrected Fractional Anisotropy

Repository with source code, installation instructions and sample images is available at neuro/lcfam, a preview of the included iPython notebook is available on